- NEMESIS SECURITY AGENCY, INC. is promoting a Comprehensive or Conventional Guards deployment which is different from other Traditional Security Agencies.
- Guards deployed were trained and undergone a Client and Agency Policies Briefing to assure that guards deployed were familiar and have background already on the post he/ she will be assigned. Guards are deployed with superior armaments depends for the clients need.
- Agency had a Program of Instruction scheduled every quarter for training to all guards and even to clients that is fitted for the post.
- FREE Installation of Security Systems Integration such as CCTV, RFID, scanners etc. (for a minimum number of guards deployment)
Traversing from TRADITIONAL WAY to COMPREHENSIVE or CONVENTIONAL of Security Deployment
Traditional Deployment – just deployment of warm body of Security
Comprehensive or Conventional – sending of warm body and Systems Integrations
Discreet gathering of information relating to a person general character, his/her past and present associations. This investigation is usually done on persons considered for reemployment, promotion and/or assignment to sensitive positions and for other purposes as maybe needed by the client
The physical protection by a uniformed security guard of the client, his family and employees, real properties, building and offices found therein, equipment and records from unlawful entry, robbery, theft and vandalism and from other criminal acts.